yo what's up guys today I'm gonna show
you how to get your dream body using
nothing but your own room stay tuned what is up guys I hope you guys had a good start in the week so far I was actually about to move into the new apartment that's why everything here and the background looks so freakin empty des literally nothing left I packed everything up already but apparently the contract for the new apartment is not signed yet so I still have to wait a little bit and make it myself cozy in this super empty apartment right here so as the room is already pretty cleared out and pretty empty I thought I'll show you guys my personal room workout whether you're at home whether you're in a hotel room it doesn't matter you can apply those exercises to almost every single one of your workouts regardless of where you are that's a big advantage because first of all not everyone can afford to go to the gym second of all once you're traveling it's really really hard to find reliable gyms 24/7 so mixing things up and going to do a little room workout can be very beneficial for you all you have to bring are few gadgets your creativity and your own body that's
already it that's all you need to do this home room workout that I'm gonna show you guys right now I actually split it up in four different parts first part is gonna be chest second is going to be biceps furthest shoulders and number four is going to be our triceps that's I told you guys we're gonna start with our chest let me show you what exercise I have prepared for you guys in order to develop great PEC muscle so guys you might have guessed it already the first exercise we're going to do for our chest are gonna be push-ups but not just normal push-ups are actually going to show you three different variations of push-ups in order to train your upper your lower chest and the full chest within one exercise all you need is literally something that can elevate you a little bit just like the sofa I have here in my room that's already enough that's all you need the first one is a standard push-up as you already know you just put your hands down shoulder wide and then you just gotta perform a classic standard pushup this one focuses it's a very good exercise to start to chest protein with
the second style of push-ups focuses on the lower chest dosa incline push-ups to get that really nice roundness in your lower chest
last but not least in our chest workout our decline push-ups for the upper chest it's the same technique like before with the only difference that you performing a decline pushup this way
all right guys I'm already pretty damn exhausted nevertheless we're gonna get to our second part of the workout routine which is going to be our bicep workout right so for the bicep workout
abroad an old friend that you might remember from another video which is a resistance band I can highly recommend those two resistance band because you can perform different types of exercises with it you can do shoulders you can do
chest you can do back you can do of course biceps that's what we're gonna use them for today and guys I remember I had two of those I had a green friend of the orange one which got destroyed of course by Mario when we were doing the outside Park workout in Hong Kong nevertheless this one should be enough for today in order to perform a great biceps routine with it
performing this biceps exercise is very simple all you need is two resistance band you put it down to the ground you step on it with your feet and then you
just perform a normal biceps curl when it comes to the technique you can either do single arm curls or both arms at the
same time it really doesn't matter just to what you prefer where you get the best muscle mind connection from alright guys so this one was pretty exhausting and well anyway we're coming to muscle group number three which is going to be our shoulders we're gonna perform side laterals but in a slightly different version than you might already know so what I did is I filled up those laundry bags with all the pairs of shoes that I had so they're gonna get some weight on and now are they're probably around 14 15 pounds something like that each side and now we're gonna perform some side laterals with it so this exercise is actually very simple and very similar to usual side laterals with just lift them up to the side and you lean a bit forward keep your core strong and that's already everything you need to know for this exercise alright guys we're done with our shoulders as well and now last but not least in our workout room routine today is gonna be our fresh herbs so guys usually my favorite triceps exercise are tips so what we can do here in our beautiful empty apartment is getting in
two chairs and performing
perfect-looking dibs on those two this
exercise again is very simple all you
have to do is getting yourself two
chairs put them parallel to each other
put your feet up on one your hands on
the other one and then you just perform
a regular dip movement
all right guys I'm finished for today
there was my 4-step home room hotel
whatever workout I hope you had a lot of
fun I hope you can apply those exercises
that I showed you through your own
workout while you're traveling while you
maybe not have enough money to go to the
gym whatever is the reason you can
always work out there and no excuses
right here you can alwayshave a nice
workout in your own room that's all you
need literally all we needed today was
one of those resistant bands if you want
to get one I can put a link down below
in the description of this video also
two chairs I guess every one of you has
some of them and that's basically all we
needed today I hope you enjoyed this
workout I hope you can give this video a
like subscribe to my channel write down
as always a lot of different comments
and then I'm gonna see you guys in my
next post stay tune