Biological databases in bioinformatics


all right so

now i'll take a color and it's time to



about biological databases okay so

biological database okay short form of

database db that's what we write



what are databases we have been using

this term for a long time now we know

that databases are

what electronic uh what i can say

electronic is this is analogy like a

dryer you know in drugs we can organize

thing so just like an electronic dryer

or cabinet system where we can store our

data okay

and we can retrieve those data whenever

we need them

whatever kind of so for different

specific type of data we have specific

database for open reading frame data we

have orf database for single nucleotide

polymorphism data we have snp database

so we have different kinds of database

for example the database for for

proteins also there are structural

database there are sequence database

sequence database is the one from where

we get the sequence of the primary

sequence of proteins and structural

databases where we get the topology of

the proteins

like that okay so what are some common

biological databases

and their types so the very first and

very common type is a nucleotide


nucleotide sequence

database nucleotide sequence database

that contains genes

and also genome

okay genes and genomes both

then what we have we have protein

databases protein sequences


sequence in the database form


then what we what else we have

we have macromolecule structures

macromolecules particularly the

structure like carbohydrates proteins

lipids all this what else we have

we have a protein protein interaction

very important to understand the protein

protein interaction to study the


those databases are there

we also have

so let's write metabolic pathways

okay so there are

different types of numerous metabolic

pathways continuing inside of a cell and

we have database for that

we also have database for gene

expression and profiling

gene expression database and we also

have literature


okay example of literature we have

already talked about pubmed is an


and there are books available in some

places but these are the database that

carry information okay so database carry

information and there is a way

so let me take a green color here there

is a way to put the data in

so feeding the data in

and there is also a way to take the data

out or extract the data


so data feeding or input

as well as extract both are possible


and the amount of data that we're

dealing with it's increasing day by day


increasing a number of experiments on

specific topics the data set that we are

expecting is also to be increased okay

it's increasing every single day

so what we are getting from here is that

huge amount of data

beat nucleotide sequence protein


macromolecule structure protein protein

interaction all these different kinds of


and this data need to be placed

somewhere in this database there is a

way to put the data in there's a way to

extract it we have discussed it earlier

as well

but for

forming a biological database

it must carry it must have some feature

a must have feature there are two must

have two must have what you can say two



features are needed

two must-have features are needed what

are those

one is non-redundancy


redundancy now what is this

now there should not be any redundancy

or if there is a redundancy the value of

redundancy is very very low that means

whenever we put something into this


okay it occurs only once

means there should not be any duplicate


in the same database so



or you can say no duplicate


when we are putting the information in

there must not be any duplicate entry

that is called non-redundancy

now we try to minimize this redundancy

to as low as possible non-redundancy is

the criteria that we want to achieve but

it's not possible always so we always

try to go with a low very low redundancy

near to non redundancy

this is very first feature the second

important feature

sharing of the data


data sharing protocol

so basically the database is what it's a

reserver of data

reserver of experimental data scientific

data which is actually gathered and

stored for the use of science itself for

the for the use of exploration of the

science itself okay for examination


so basically this sharing of the data is

important it means that if this is the

database for example the network of data

data is inside

and we said the data is locked

the data is locked you cannot access the

data you can see the data but you cannot

modify if the data has some mis

information or any


that should not be a scientific idea

that is a non-scientific idea and

science is progressive it always

explains things from different angles

and also the thinking is progressive so

we can say that in database whatever

data is present the data must be

available for sharing so that we can

examine the data we can inspect the data

and so there is no there shouldn't be

any locked data the data must be free to

deal with

because let's say there are few

scientists a group of 30 scientists 30

researchers they put some data in the


with a dna sequence for example

a dna sequencing data and then later

after five years some other group of

scientists and researchers are doing the

same work they are working with the data

they find something

wrong about the earlier data so they can

update it there should be room to do

that that is data sharing okay

so what we can tell about a database is

a collection of data which is normally



updatable periodically

that is known as a database

so reserver of biological data but which

is more structurally organized

which is searchable

and which is updated periodically

will be termed as a progressive

biological database or simply as a

biological database

got it

this is what biological database is

now let's talk about the classification

of biological database

biological database classification

there are different types of database

okay so let me give you an idea about

the database types here we have sequence


sequence database i am writing short

form db means database okay

then we have structural database


database and what else we have 3d

structure base


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