all right
so uh
it's time to discuss about uh
bioinformatics and the query related to
and what i will do is that i'll increase
the volume a little bit and we'll keep
it this way so take a color and start
discussing about the bioinformatics
different aspects of bioinformatics will
be discussed in this session so i don't
know how long it will take how much it
will take
so whatever the time takes to resolve
the issues and topics that we need to
understand for bioinformatics for gate
by technology because bioinformatics
is a subject
which is needed for gate biotechnology
as well as iit jam to some extent so
let's begin with it
the very first thing that i want to
uh discuss is about the major
bioinformatics resources start with this
idea okay
we'll talk about major
info simply short form of bioinformatics
by info
resources okay this is what we are going
to discuss
and the majority of the bioinformatic
are what they are tools tools uh that
helps us to generate hypothesis from the
data that we obtain by multiple
approaches from different
experimentation to real life so
basically what we are dealing here is a
huge amount of data so i can write it
down for you data data is everywhere
data data data it's everywhere okay and
the data that we gather is from real
uh exam experiments real experiments
real life situations
these are biological data i can write it
like biological
biological data and this biological data
is a pile of biological data all these
things together and now this data is
either the data of the genome okay data
from proteome
i i expect you to believe what what
genome proteome means otherwise will be
very difficult for me to go forward with
bioinformatics basic and advanced course
so with the total genes that anything
that is available under that is the
total genome the genome proteome so the
data coming from all these different
sites okay
and this data from the real life
situations from experiments we gather
the information
now biological tools are needed there
are some tools needed to filter out some
of the data and also to to make use or
you can say to make
of the data it's very very important so
if you want to make use of the data that
we received from the experiments and all
we need some tools and these tools are
known as biological tools the
bioinformatics tools or bioinformatic
resources okay
and around the globe there are multiple
bioinformatic resources available there
are different uh what you can say
different countries have different kinds
of biological resources and uh the data
management systems we have biological
databases okay so it goes through
worldwide way about www so whenever we
put this term ww full form of which is
world wide
web okay and through that we have
kinds of database we have different
kinds of information centers okay where
we pro we put this data we can store the
data we can either we can either store
the data we can analyze the data
and we can uh after analysis we can
implement some sort of idea based on
that okay so these are known as a
complete bioinformatics solutions okay
and there is no single bioinformatic
tool or no single solution available
that that can resolve the complete issue
there okay for for us
there are multiple tools they have
different roles to play so it's not
likely that a single tool is there for
every single need no it's not possible
actually the amount of data is so huge
for example assume like if you are
talking about the complete genome and
there is a human as an individual and so
as there are there is goat there is cat
there is dog so so many different
species and for different species there
are different
genome analysis proteome even more
complex so it's not easy to put
everything together with one single tool
there are multiple tools there are
multiple websites where they showcase
these different tools okay
so now uh in this lecture we are going
to talk about this major bioinformatics
resources okay
we will talk about some of those major
bioinformatics resources in there and
what are those let me let me write down
uh the names for you one is
xpc short forms are more famous so
expassive p a s y this x is small rest
all are capital expansive expert protein
analysis system the full form is expert
protein analysis system the second one
here is that e b i e b i this is another
tool what is ebi european bioinformatics
institute ebi okay then what else we
have we have
c b i probably heard of ncbi is more
national center of biotechnology
information okay national center
of biotechnology information
manipulation center for for
biotechnology information actually is
national center of biotechnology
information ncbi
so these are the types and among these
ncbi particularly if you look at this
there are different databases inside of
which because ncbi is for the databases
so we have biological
databases here
and there are different kinds of
database the database can be of uh
you know it can be sequenced database it
can be structural database 3d structural
database protein structural database so
multiple type of database we'll talk
about that later on but right now you
understand the major bioinformatics tool
under that particular umbrella we have
expecie expert protein analysis system
we have ebi european bioinformatics
institute and we have ncbi national
center of biotechnology information okay
so now we are going to talk about each
of them individually independently
so let's move on and the very first
thing i'll write here is x specie e x p
a s y expressive
export protein analysis system
so this is basically a server this
server is maintained by which country
let me write it this is these are some
information that ah there are level ask
question from so basically
uh the origin or simply the country i
met right here
is swiss institute of bioinformatics or
sib short form sib swiss institute of
bioinformatics okay now why it is there
why we have
why we have expressy
for the analysis of protein sequence for
okay and
is also connected to another term which
will which will be hearing a lot later
on when you do practicals later on you
will see and that is swiss plot swi
double s swiss
pro p r o t prod is a short form of
protein okay
so swiss prot and xpc work together hand
in hand that provides integrated
solution to variety of database all
all together variety of database that
will be the database for protein
sequence structure analysis okay
or any particular specific protein you
find out you can deal with it through
swiss product and expressing
now what are the clean cut objectives of
expressing let me write it down what are
the objectives
objectives now when i write these things
you know i want you to understand this
in simple manner and also i want you to
believe that the question can come from
this portion so objective what is it
as i told you that especially is along
with swiss brought a multiple data bases
linked together that helps in the
uh analysis of protein sequence and
structural analysis of proteins okay
but what kind of analysis can be done
here particularly what kind of okay
for example
physical property of protein
of protein
this can be this can be monitored
and the second important property is
similarity searching similarity
searching can be done
similarity searching means pattern
or profile searching can be done with
the help of this expressive
okay similarity searching means for
example let's take a protein x
you are working with an unknown protein
that is protein x you don't know
what kind of function this protein x
might play
but what else you know is that a primary
sequence so what you can do is that