10 Home Workouts to Get Rid of Belly Fat in 3 weeks

Greetings to the viewers

I am NGF NOMI and I am back with a new workout post.

Today's workout post is going to be very special.

Why it's special?

It's special because, today's Workout  post that we are sharing with all of you.

is for those people who do not want to go to the gym or

And for those who are unable to take time out of their busy schedule for the gym

and for those housewives who don't get time for themselves after their families

you will not be able to give excuses because in all the workouts that we will do today,

it will not take more than 15 minutes.

and I'm sure it will help you a lot.

It will help you a lot in reducing your belly fat to your overall body fat

and at the same time, it will help you a lot in toning,

conditioning your muscles and in your Joint mobility 

You will get many such benefits by following this post.

But it will not work in a day, you have to follow this workout for 21 days

And I am sure it will help you a lot.

And today Mrs. Sargam is with us,

And she is with us so that she can show you how to perform the workouts properly.

So that you don't get an injury

First exercise that we choose is High Knee Raises

Our purpose of doing High Knee Raises is to Increase heart rate, blood flow

And is very good exercise to give stretching effect

Whenever you perform high knee raises Do 10 repetitions with each leg

But I am sure many people couldn't raise their leg this Much

So in that condition, you have a choice that

You can support your leg with hands for stretching

like this

Sargam just hold it here

This will led to proper stretching in your hamstring, glutes region and lower back

And will reduce the chances of injury in further exercises

Second exercise will be Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks is a very good exercise which will help you to reduce body fat

Because while you perform this exercise, it will burn more calories and also build muscle

I want you to perform 10 reps and then take a rest

When your heart rate slows down

Then again perform 10

Likewise, you will repeat with exercise 3 times

So it will help you a lot

Very Good

Just make sure while performing this exercise

Your body doesn't get stiff and your hand reach to top as well

Our 3rd exercise will be Mountain Climbing

This exercise will make your abs obliques much stronger

Simultaneously it will strengthen your body

So let's see how to perform this exercise

Place your hand at shoulder width

Whenever you go down make sure your lower back remains straight

Whenever you bring your knee inside, try to breathe out

This exercise will make your legs, your core and upper body strong

You have to perform 10 reps with each leg

And try to make 3 sets

It will help in reducing your overall body fat and at the

Same time it will make your muscles strong

Let's see how to perform this exercise

If you are a beginner then don't do more than 5 reps

And repeat 3 sets

Make sure your balance is good and your coordination better

It is more important to avoid strain than doing it fast

Mother of all exercise called "Squats"

Squats is important to do because it is very important for your development of Quads

Because Quads is the biggest muscle of your body

You burn more calories when you squat

And this will result in fast fat loss

So let's see how to perform this exercise

First thing that you need to remember is Place your legs at a width of your shoulders

Second thing is our knee should be a little bit bend when we perform Squats

And Pelvis bone should be a little far

And whenever we sit we make sure our hips are parallel to the ground

Don't go much down

Up and then go down

Make sure when you go down your knee should be in line with your toes

When you come up, you breathe out

Number of repetitions will be 10 with 3 sets

It is a very good exercise that will toned your overall core, abs, obliques and arms

Let's see how we can perform this exercise

First of all come in Plank position

Plank position is basically when your whole body became parallel to ground with

With your elbows and toes

From there you will come in push up position

And then goes to plank position

Don't try to perform this exercise very fast

rhythm is more important than doing it fast

Your control over breathe Your control over the body

Do this with 10 repetitions of 3 sets. This will be more than sufficient

It will make your overall muscle strong Your core, upper back, arms, and you will look fit very soon.

It's a very good exercise which will not only strengthen your lower back

but also your Glutes muscle will be in a good shape

Let's see how to perform this exercise

First lie down then bend your both knees

Then with the help of your foot and upper back lift your hips

And form it like a bridge but hold for a second when you are up

And Breathe out

Just lift it up

And breathe out

Squeeze both the Glute muscle

Release it and then lift it up

Just breathe out squeeze your hip

And do it with 15 reps of 3 sets

Push up is a very basic exercise

I beleive that everyone must have try Push up at least once

Today we will see how to perform it correctly

It is very useful for your over all upper body development

Distance between your hand should not be too much or less

It will be close to the chest

Before starting make sure your body is balanced on your Toes and hand

Now you slowly go down and came up -breath out

you slowly go down and come up -breathe out

You will perform 8 reps of 3 sets

Second, for those who can't do push like this

There is a variation for them

They can do Knee push up

But rhythm will remain the same

Go down, came up -breathe out

Again Go down, came up -breathe out

With this workout when you go down Your upper back, your arms works

And when you came up Your chest works

So that your upper body toned so well

It is very good exercise for your hamstring development and Glute region

Let's see how to perform this exercise properly

So first of all place your hand on your waist

Maintain some distance between your legs

Bent your knee and just kick it

-One -Two

-Three -Four

Whenever you kick out, make sure you breathe out

And Squeeze your hamstring

Do 10 reps with each leg

Of 3 sets, this will be more than sufficient

My main purpose of putting this exercise here is

Many of you want to reduce tummy

So this exercise will help you a lot

along with your core

Let's see how to perform this exercise properly

Lie down on the floor

Touch both legs with each other

Place your both hand below your hips

So that you get some support and you don't feel any strain on your back

Lift your both legs together

But make sure when you raise your legs, don't raise too much

If you raise too much than you will feel unnecessary strain on your back

So raise that much only, and slow down and then lift it up

Whenever you lift against the gravity, you will breathe out and Squeeze your core area

So this is your target area

Perform 10 repetitions with 3 sets

This will help in strengthening your core area

So this were 10 workout, for which you don't need any fancy gym

fancy equipment, you can do it any where

at your home, office, park etc

But its important to do

Please write down in the comment what difficulties you face

while performing these exersice

Share with your friends and families

If you liked the post

and personally I wanna thank to Sargam

who gave us, her precious time

Thanks for read my post.                                                                

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