Bioinformatics EBI database | European Bioinformatics Institute


so apart from this

apart from all these european databases

that we discussed there's one more you

know remember i told you earlier that

one such example is ebi

ebi european bioinformatics institute

and this name

is you know something like

very very important in terms of

bioinformatics tools to name ebi and

ncbi ebis european bioinformatics

institute and ncbi is national center of

biotechnology information

both are playing the crucial role

in maintaining a huge amount of data in

all the different kinds of database so

european biological or european

bioinformatics institute


it is under embl

okay what is embl full form european

molecular biology laboratory embl

they provide

the bioinformatics information it's

actually very important that we have a

lab facility

which is wet lab facility of course and

then we have this dry lab facility so

what is the difference between the

wetland dry lab and cross flow let's

understand we have weight lab where we

run all the experiment experiments are

done experiments on

on dna rna

experiments on protein all these things

we perform we do

and then all the data that we gather

is transferred to the dry lab where we

store the data

we analyze the data

we modify

the data

and we cross talk or cross check



sorry cross check after

after what cross check after

modification after


prediction so we do prediction here

of course we do prediction and we cross

check that prediction and then based on

that we get a yes

or no or not up or no based on that we

can understand

an organism and how that organism

behaves because now basically it's not

likely you know there are plenty of

years earlier when we see an organism

based on its morphology and appearance

we decide everything but nowadays we

don't even look at morphology it doesn't

matter whether how much similar they

look from outside phenotype doesn't

matter everything that matter is the


how it's actually made up and everything

is possible with this crosstalk of

weight lab and dry lab so that's why

this always the greatest uh

biotechnology greatest bioinformatics

tools can only be


they are connected

to molecular lab or weight lab facility

so for example here is the european

molecular biology laboratory embl under

this we run the experiment on all and

that hosts in the ebi okay it was

established in 1980s


at embl okay and it was first as a

nucleotide sequence database it started

as a nucleotide sequence database and

then sooner it manages start managing

different kinds of biological databases

and now what we have we have dna

sequences genome sequences we have

microarrays proteomics structural


and so many different things are under

this rule and basically when he's heard

this name you know genomics proteomics

structural genomics

all this sounds very complicated all

this sounds very you know similar so

people use this terms quite often so for

that also i'll do a myth buster portion

at the end of this lecture which will

help you to understand and forget all

the misconception and understand only

what is real okay


always we have uh

we need a need we require a need

to collect


and curate

all the little bit of information from

genome proteome

structure of the protein and all the

different places and put them together

okay and we have multiple genome

projects running uh in different places

of the earth okay and the data came in

so we'll gather them okay so what

happened in 1992

embl voted to establish this ebi

and then the zbi got established

embl started then and the ebl got

established 1992 okay so basically

it provides

the search

assisted to lead by informatic

revolution that is what

ebi is actually made for

and now ebi


various databases

various it actually let me write it






so this various database what kind of

database it can be it can be nucleotide



it can be


microarray database

it can be

pathways protein pathways

okay there are different pathways

available that database

uh protein

structural database

all these different types of database

hosted under

this ebi and there are various tools

available as well there are various

tools available there actually

there's various tools that will help us

to find out information regarding all

these different


from different type of database like

nucleotide sequence microarray pathways

proteins sequence and protein structure

okay so for example let me write down

important name of the tool one of them



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