we say databases databases
based on this type what we have we have
database we have
database right
apart from that we also have two more
types of database here which we will
discuss now
we have family for protein we have
and domain
remember in case of protein we have
family and domain database
and we also need interaction
interaction database
so you can see that
throughout this process of
lecturing uh for bioinformatics i'll use
database terms so many times and i'll
classify database in so many different
ways i'll also sum it up later on
but for now understand this for for a
protein database here we are talking
about for a protein database we have
sequence database structural database we
have talked about it a little bit
and now i am also going to talk about
the family and domain database and
interaction database because
if there is a protein x and there's a
protein y
then the protein x will interact with
protein y
this protein protein interaction
is very important and this protein
protein interaction
need to be
analyzed with the interaction databases
but family and domain database is a
place where protein family so what is
the this database example of what let me
write it down
pro site
prosite is an example
of this family and domain database
so what it has it has different
structural pattern
if we run the profile of the structural
pattern what we'll find out we can find
out different family of proteins
okay families of protein and domain of
the proteins because we know that when
the protein structure is being formed ah
there are different domain structures
domain of the proteins are you know
after super secondary structures we have
these domains where they have a
particular role to play okay so remember
when you try to understand
bioinformatics tools of bioinformatics
particularly for a protein database
and protein database search you need to
have a clear understanding of protein
topology and how exactly the protein
structure is formed from primary
secondary tertiary and all okay it's
very very important what is domain what
is motive
all these ideas must be crystal clear
otherwise you cannot understand and i
will not explain what is domain and
motive right here because this is a
class of bioinformatics
and we have interaction database
okay example for such interaction
databases swiss 2d swiss
two-dimensional gel
so this dimensional gel
what is page poly acrylic gel