diet chart for weight loss for female


hey guys welcome back 

am your NGF NOMI and you are

reading healthy fitness tips so today

we are going to talk about protein um

i'll tell you my personal experience in

this post which protein i have been

using and how it is impacting my body so

this is all about like how i consume


for six months and got amazing result

believe me having protein or deciding

when to start taking protein was the

best decision i made in my weight loss

journey so first of all i would like to


which brand of protein i used so i used

atom whey protein this is isolate atom

whey protein by

as it is

so this is the newer version of protein

that they recently launched so it is

atom isolate whey protein gold

the good thing about this version of

protein is

in one serving it will give you 28 grams

of protein which is much more higher

than any other brand

yes in just one scoop you will get 28

grams of protein like one meal protein

is gone that is amazing thing about it

that means the more the protein the

faster the recovery second thing the bc

double a level which is like 6.1 gram

amazing for building up muscle losing

fat and building up strength

and ela which is amazing 12.6 again

which is very much required for the fast

recovery and for faster muscle building

the next thing about it which i like

is it has dietary fiber


it gives amazing result like when you

consume it


or any kind of bloating you will have or

your digestion will be improved the

taste is amazing

it is unadulterated it is lab tested gmp

certified two-step verification is also

there just to check the authentication

of product the most important thing

which i like about atom is it gives you

a very less calories yes in just one

scoop you will get 127 calories that is

amazing and carbs it is amazing again

very low 1.5 gram of carb nothing

and fat 1 gram of fat nothing like it is

amazing if you are planning for a muscle

building again

and for fat loss then this is amazing

you can have this alone in dinner only

or post workout it will work amazing as

i've been using it since a year and no

problem at all i have been gaining

confidence as well as losing fat

no added sugar rapid digestion and

absorption as well it easily mixes with

water so if you are planning to buy a

protein powder go for atom as it is


protein it is amazing it is purest form

so you can have it uh if you if you

don't have any problem for our lactose

and anything so you can have it this is


atom isolate whey protein gold

because gold version has 28 grams of

protein so go for it for the better

recovery so if you have any questions

regarding which protein powder you must

take to start your weight loss then this

is the right choice for you go for atom

so thank you so much for reading the

link of the product will be in my

description box go check it out thank

you so much bye have a nice day

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